DerMscope® Skin Surface Microscope

The DerMscope® Skin Surface Microscope, equipped with a bright 2.5V halogen illumination and a 10X optic system, provides accurate detection of skin lesions by ensuring true tissue color identification.

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DerMscope® Skin Surface Microscope

The DerMscope® Skin Surface Microscope is an advanced diagnostic tool designed for the precise detection of skin lesions. It features a bright 2.5V halogen illumination and a 10X optic system, which together ensure the visualization of true tissue colors for accurate identification and assessment. This high-quality microscope aids dermatologists and skincare professionals in making reliable diagnoses by providing clear and detailed views of skin surfaces. Its superior illumination and magnification capabilities make the DerMscope® an indispensable instrument for thorough and effective skin examinations.

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